
Spirit Services

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Saved by Jeremy Brueck
on November 11, 2009 at 9:48:43 pm

Technology for

Catholic Administrators and Technology Coordinators


Goal: To assist principals and technology coordinators stay current of and understand the different roles technology can have in the educational setting.


Session 1: 9:30 a.m. – 10: 15 a.m.

Review the historical role technology and media have played in educational and social change.


Session 2: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

A WEBINAR is a rich communication system that offers a variety of tools accessible through any web browser. Adobe Connect Professional is a virtual meeting room/class room that can be used in many ways. As an educator, Acrobat Connect Professional allows you to engage your learners in a secure virtual classroom with a variety of tools such as instant polling, whiteboard, application and desktop sharing, audio and video conferencing and chatting.



 Session 1
















From Ustream.tv

  • Ustream.TV is the live interactive video broadcast platform that enables anyone with a camera and an Internet connection to quickly and easily broadcast to a global audience of unlimited size. In less than two minutes, anyone can become a broadcaster by creating their own channel on Ustream or by broadcasting through their own site, empowering them to engage with their audience and further build their brand.


From the Educause 7 things you should know series






From mogulus.com

  •  Mogulus is the most powerful live broadcast platform on the internet.

  •  Producers can use the Mogulus browser-based Studio application to create LIVE, scheduled and on-demand internet television to broadcast anywhere on the web through a single player widget.

  • With Mogulus, producers can broadcast live from a mobile phone; use a customizable flash player with integrated chat; and develop a branded channel page on Mogulus.com that incorporates interactive chat.






From Justin.tv

  • Justin.tv is the leader in live video and the place to broadcast and share video online.




From Qik.com

  • Qik enables you to share your moments live with your friends, family and the world—right from your mobile phone!
  • Qik's focus is on developing the perfect mobile video platform, providing the highest quality of live video experience across all devices and networks.
  • Qik also gives you the power to broadcast to partner sites like Mogulus, Justin.tv, Twitter and Pownce.











Session 2 - Webinars & Virtual Meetings



  1. Test Connection

  2. Enter a Meeting Room Using a URL

    1. http://bit.ly/M5hNZ

  3. Attendee List Pod

  4. Audio & Video

  5. Chat Pod

    1. Chat Pod Introduction

    2. Chat Pod Options

  6. Share Pod

    1. Sharing a Desktop

    2. Sharing a Whiteboard

  7. Poll Pod

    1. Poll Pod Introduction

    2. Enter Poll Answers

  8. File Share

    1. File Share Pod Introduction

    2. File Share Pod Download

  9. Web Links Pod

  10. Note Pod



Wrap-Up & Questions


  1. Reflection & Evaluation

    1. Google Exit Slip


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