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Provide an overview of the concept of New Media Literacy, its theoretical foundations and development over recent years.
Examine the various new media literacy definitions and related theories.
Provide an in-depth look at a number of free Web 2.0 tools and applications that pre-k educators can use to create standards-based learning experiences that are engaging, foster creativity, and relevant to the current and future needs of their students.
Address instructional strategies that enable teachers to promote collaborative, independent, and differentiated learning, adapting to the needs of each learner with a focus on content
A blog is a frequent and chronological publication of comments and thoughts on the web.
A blog is often updated daily and contains all information that the person maintaining the BLOG (Blogger) wishes to share with the world.
Blogging in the classroom
Effective modeling of blogging
Teachers can effectively model the blogging process for students by developing a blog to post classroom announcements, calendar, newsletter and happenings. Within a kindergarten room, this might mean simply posting a picture of a paintbrush and the word ‘ART’ on the calendar days that students go to art class. Instead of checking a chart or a bulletin board for this information, students refer to the classroom blog, something they can do at home or at school. A teacher’s blog can become an important and easily accessible resource used to communicate with students, parents, the community, and the world!
"A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holdsimages, documents, and videosand allows people to navigate pages and leavecomments in 5 ways- using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam)."
Instructional rationale
"One of the best ways to enhance student learning, boost student achievement, and improve student engagement is to incorporate digital storytelling as an instructional strategy. Students can demonstrate their knowledge of content, develop higher order thinking skills, improve their digital literacy skills, and harness the power of visual literacy in digital storytelling projects"
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