
Lorain Early RF

This version was saved 15 years, 8 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Jeremy Brueck
on May 28, 2009 at 7:05:37 pm


Learning Goals

  1. Provide an overview of the concept of New Media Literacy, its theoretical foundations and development over recent years.

  2. Examine the various new media literacy definitions and related theories.

  3. Provide an in-depth look at a number of free Web 2.0 tools and applications that pre-k educators can use to create standards-based learning experiences that are engaging, foster creativity, and relevant to the current and future needs of their students.

  4. Address instructional strategies that enable teachers to promote collaborative, independent, and differentiated learning, adapting to the needs of each learner with a focus on content standards.


Blogs and Wikis  



Digital Storytelling with VoiceThread


Digital Storytelling definition


Voicethread explanation


Instructional rationale




Additional Resources



How can educators use Voicethread for digital storytelling?


Eleven Thirteen Interesting Ways to use Voicethread in the Classroom




Social Networks and Virtual Worlds

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