#tweet. #learn. #lead
1.Review of the Read/Write Web (5 minutes)
2.Overview of Social Microblogging (5 minutes)
a.Example: http://twitter.com/brueckj23
b.Get Started: http://twitter.com
3.Learning Networks (5 minutes)
a.Make Connections
b.Make Contributions
c.Make Conversation
d.Make Requests
4.Hands-on With Twitter (15 minutes)
a.Create an Account
b.Follow Others (Understanding begins with reading.)
c.Post a "Tweet"
d.Respond @ Someone Else (& View Your Responses)
e.Send a Direct Message (& View Your Direct Messages)
f.Favorite a Message (& View Your Favorites)
g.Embed a http://bit.ly
h.Welcome to the Twitterverse!
5.Implications for Educational Leaders (10 minutes)
a. Internal Stakeholder Communication
i. Building a Personal Learning Network
ii. Leading a Professional Learning Network
b. External Stakeholder Communication
i. Developing an integrated web presence (website, blog, microblog)
ii. Connecting with the community
6.Advanced Topics (10 minutes) Time Permitting
a.Search Twitter
b.Use # for Hashtags
c.Twitter Clients ("Desktop Software")
i. Windows, Mac, Linux:
1.TweetDeck (Requires Adobe Air)
2.DestroyTwitter (Requires Adobe Air)
ii.Mac: Twitterific
iii.Windows: Twhirl
d.Twitter on Your Mobile Phone!
i.SMS Messaging
ii.iPhone Apps - EchoFon and Twitterific
iii.Blackberry Apps – TwitterBerry and UberTwitter
7. Question & Answer (10 minutes)
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